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Perfectionism-Families and Trauma!

Symptoms include: Avoid stillness / Place excessive demand on self / All or nothing attitude / Obsess over details / Feel "bored", often / Anxious for no apparent reason, and more.


This presentation offers a deep exploration into traits, defects. and, solutions for

Perfectionism. All trauma-impacted persons, addicts, and, alcoholics will greatly benefit from this topic.


Perfectionism, at it's core, is a trauma-response through an irrational belief system. Driven by low self-esteem, harsh self-criticism, and, an overwhelming fear that 'nothing is ever good enough'. Anxiety becomes a mainstay as the victim compensates for this Perfectionism with unrealistic expectations.


Perfectionism is associated with a high need for control (trauma-response), and, unrealistic expectations (attempt to compensate for low self-esteem). Perfectionism as a disorder has nothing to do with actual perfection, or, even a goal for high performance. Any person  afflicted with 'Perfectionism' views them-self as 'only as good as their performance'.


The Perfectionism victim lives a life of constant anxiety, fear, and, self-judgment. Since this condition is about the person's sense of value, they won't ask for help. The victim believes they 'should be able to figure things out on their own'. If they were to ask for help, then, in their mind, they will have failed while confirming their number fear: "I'm not good enough"!


This selection is one of the most effective teaching tools used in our Counseling programs for the past 18 years, and, proven to help in all cases! Families have paid thousands of dollars for this information, and many more like it. Taken directly from our Client-Curriculum Lecture Series.


The Perfectionism victim would rather avoid trying rather than risk failure. If they can't complete something exactly how they believe it should be completed, they simply won't try. This is why it's a primary trait of addicts and alcoholics. It is centered in trauma. The person may not even recognize their own trauma (denial is common).


Drinkinng, using drugs, and any other compulsions relieves the internal conflict that rages within every victim of Perfectionism. Many addicts or alcoholics are disconnected from their own trauma. Often times, they will say "No, I don't have any trauma, I just can't figure out why I self-destruct".


Perfectionism traits are characteristic of those who have trauma, and, have spent a lifetime stuffing it (check out our materials on Trauma).


The Perfectionism victim defines success and failure differently. Success is defined as "any experience that is exactly the way I need to be" in that moment. Failure is defined as "any experience that isn't exactly they way I need it to be", in that moment.


As you can see, Perfectionism has nothing to do with "perfect". It does have everything to do with an overwhelming fear on not being enough, a fear of loss-of-control, while implementing unrealistic strategies to regain a sense-of-control. The focus is not on high achievement, it's on 'not failing'! Since Perfectionism is subjective and based on the person's perception of self, it's as much a mental defect as it is behavioral.


As debilitating as Perfectionism can be for it's trauma-impacted victims, solutions abound! Every victim will recognize these traits and can be taught how to overcome them as they develop a new sense of self.


We invite you to begin that journey with our special presentation of Perfectionism!


Our goal is for success on your recovery journey. Please check-out our other products or schedule a session-time to meet with us personally.


We are available for private sessions or multi-week plans that are guaranteed to move you through your pain into healing and empowerment (In-person or Virtually).


For the first time we are offering this informative presentation to the public at a substantially reduced priced!


Order yours today!

Perfectionism-PDF-Families & Trauma

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